Paragon are partnered with $21BN AUM systematic trading outfit, who have had a record breaking H1 and are now one of the worlds top performing quant investors. This success has been attributed to their world class technology infrastructure and investment style.
They are now searching for a Quant Developer to join their front office technology team, servicing a number of portfolio managers & quants in building bespoke trading tools and infrastructure to augment their HFT trading strategies.

The role will be traditional quant dev with some time spent data engineering (data pipelines, platform).
Tech: Python, C++, Airflow, Spark, AWS, SQL
We are looking for 2-7 years in a relevant engineering/quant dev seat (systematic/HFT trading ideally) and an exceptional background.
Please DO NOT apply if you are outside of finance/trading or lack the neccessary skiils.
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